KSLD BBQ 2017 - We had a blast!

KSLD held their annual BBQ on 23 June 2017 at Cramond Beach in North Edinburgh. Staff, both former and current, and their families joined together to celebrate a year well done.

The weather was the best it's been in years, with blue skies and a not insane wind (even for the Forth). Warm and pleasant, the breeze knotted the balloons around the table, but didn't cause any big problems.

This year, the activity was shooting off water-bottle-rockets. You can buy the kit yourself from Rocket. It's simple, but effective: take a an empty plastic bottle, decorate it, fill it 1/3 with water, add the adapter, then attach to a bike pump and inflate until lift off!

We had a variety of bottles available: 1.5L, 2L and even some 3L. We found that the 1.5L and 2L bottles worked best. They flew with a height and distance that would have tired out even the most marshmallow-filled child. 

The 3L bottle, while it did eventually fly, tended to be more unpredictable in its flight as the water would shift the rocket in different directions, and it would have packed quite a punch if it had connected with anyone. Perhaps more experimentation is needed to see about add-ons to increase stability.

It was a smaller get-together than usual, but the weather was nice, the food delicious, and the rockets dynamic.

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